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Jumat, 20 Mei 2011

musim menggembalakan lebah

Saya bukan peternak lebah tapi entah kenapa senang bertemu para penggembala mahluk mungil ini. Bulan agustus tahun lalu aku ngobrol dengan peternak dari Pati jawa tengah, namanya Rochim. Ia mempunyai 190 stup/kandang lebah. Agar koloni lebahnya menghasilkan madu, royal jelly, pollen maka ia selama enam bulan meninggalkan kampung halaman untuk menggembalakan lebah. Bulan Mei Juni Juli pada saat randu (Ceiba pentandra) berbunga, ia gembalakan ternaknya di hutan randu/kapuk di Pati sampai pasuruan. Bulan Agustus September ketika kaliandra (Calliandra callothyrsus), jagung (Zea mays l.) dan enau /aren (Arenga pinnata) berbunga lebat, ia bermukim di Majalengka jawa barat. Oktober Nopember Desember, ketika rambutan (Nphelum Lappaceum) berbunga? Ia pindah ngangon ke Subang jawa barat atau ke Blora. Memasuki awal musim hujan ia pulang kandang ke Pati. Itulah masa paceklik bagi peternak lebah.wah hebat juga perjuangan Rochim untuk memanen madu dam melestarikan lingkungan.

Minggu, 07 November 2010

Sedihnya kehilangan madu

Hari itu kamis awal Nopember 10. Langit Maja mulai digelayuti awan. Udara dingin mulai menyelinap menusuk tubuh. Dengan setengah menggigil kularikan sepeda motor. Sebelum turun hujan aku meninggalkan Girimulya. Dengan sebotol madu di kantong kresek dan dikaitkan di stang sepeda motor aku sudah bisa pulang sambil bersiul gembira bukan kepalang. Susahnya mencari madu asli mejadi alasan kegembiraanku. Lumayan sebotol 350 ml madu apis cerana untuk konsumsi seminggu.Hujan mulai turun ketika kumasuki mulut komplek perumahan BCA . Begitu sampai di balik pagar rumah kusambar kantong keresek madu dari stang motor. Pikiranku saat itu minum madu ya tidak ada lagi kecuali minum madu. Namun pikiranku buyar ketika kugamit keresek madu...betul2 tinggal kereseknya saja. Sediih, kecewa, gondok, dongkol. Hujan semakin deras. Tanpa pikiq panjang Kucabut motor, bius. Sepanjang jalan kutebarkan pandangan. Dalam keadaan menggigil aku hanya bisa gigit jari.

Sabtu, 21 Agustus 2010

Membuat Stup

Hari Minggu yang lalu sepeda motorku ngadat, sama sekali tak mau hidup. Selidik punya selidik ternyata tikus biang keladinya. Mereka merusak perkabelan . Sambil menunggu sepeda motor di bengkel aku mampir kesekolah tempatku mengajar kebetulan para pekerja sedang memasang tegel. Langsung kuambil gergaji, sekon, ballpoint,palu dan paku. Menjelang asar sebuah stup lebah tanpa frame berukuran 50x40x28 cm selesai kubuat. Di sela sela ibadah puasa satu stup lagi berhasil kubuat. Meski kecil, ukuran 25x35x20, yang ini lebih baik karena dilengkapi tempat pakan dan 4 frame yang lumayan kuat..Stup ini belum dipakai karena beberapa alasan, yaitu atap belum ditutup seng, kawat pada frame belum dipasang dan sisiran sarang belum ada. Setelaah dua hari yang lalu , kamis 19/8, aku belajar lebah dari peternak asal Pati Jawa Tengah yang kebetulan sedang menggembalakan ratusan koloni lebah di kecamatan Banjaran Talaga. Di tengah ancaman gagal panen (tentu turut prihatin) aku banyak memetik hikmah diantaranya pelajaran ttg lebah dan kandang (stup), seluk beluk usaha budidaya lebah apis mellifera. Belajaq memang tak cukup di permukaan melainkan harus menyelam di kedalaman.

Kamis, 17 Juni 2010

cek up setelah minum madu

Hari ini saya menerima hasil cek up keshatan dari PT Askes. Lumayan gratis. Hasilnya secara umum dinyatakan sehat. Kira kira 3 bulan sebelumya aku minum madu secara rutin 4 s.d 6 sdm perhari. General check up sebelumxa tahun 1991 ada plak di paru paru . Maklum aku perokok kelas menengah. Sampai tahu 2006 plak itu masih ada malah bertambah banyak. Yang menggembirakan ketika membaca hasil pemeriksaan radiologi kemarin. Ajaib, paru paru paruku ternyata sehat tanpa ada plak. Padahal sampai sekarang merokok ngebul terus dan aku tidak berobat karena isi dompet tak mau kompromi. Jangan jangan paru paruku sembuh karena madu gitu. Aku minum madu tidak diniati mengobati paru paru tapi karena niat melaksanakan nasihat al quran dan ingin merasakan hikmah kehadiran lebah sebagai sahabat manusia. Alhamdu lillah wahai Rabb.

madu mengendap juga

Sudah seminggu ini saya mengamati madu dan hasilnya adalah fenomena yang kurang menyenangkan : mengendap. Madu yang saya amati itu dalah madu yang dipanen dari rumah tetangga. Melihat secara fisik endapan madu tersebut, nampaknya lapisan cwah werupakan glukosa kira kira 55 persen dan lapisan paling atas kurang lebih sisanya lebih encer mungkin fruktosa. Ketika dicicipi kristal glukosanya terasa banget, teretes teretes gitu. Bentuk endapan ketika baru diambil dari kulkas kira kira mirip mentega. Atau mungkin endapan itu pollen dan larutan larva yang ikut terperas, pasalnya madu tsb. berasal dari lebah apis cerana yang bersarang di bawah genting pangipas rumah. Ini menarik, karena selama ini saya per2ya bahwa madu asli jika disimpan di kulkas tidak akan membeku. Wallahu aklam .

Minggu, 11 April 2010

Digging the wisdom behind the creation of the honey bee
Wisdom Words have many meanings. Some are: wisdom, knowledge, valuable lessons, the good and benefit. Wisdom said was replicated twenty times in the Koran. One was listed in the letter of al-Baqoroh (cows, the second letter of the 114 letters) to paragraph 269, "He (God) gives wisdom to those who dikendaki. Who was given the wisdom, then indeed he has given a lot of good .. .. "
According to Dr. Syihab Quraysh, the meaning of the word wisdom in the verse and the other verses refer to the good.
Honeybees are one of the creatures (of God's creation). In the world of Heman, bees including translucent winged insect orders (Hymenoptera). Within this order there are 100,000 species of insects, including bees, wasps, ants and termites.
Most bee species are solitary life and only a small portion of the living colonize including honey bees. In summary, pancakaki nasab honey bees as follows:
Kingdom Animalia
Class Insecta
Order Hymenoptera
Family Apidae
Genus Apis
Species Apis dorsata, Apis Melliifera, Apis Cerana and others.
Articles continuation of Wisdom Blog: Honey Bees (post 7 April 2010)
Honey bees (Apis) have some Fadilah and superior characteristics, namely:
1. Colonize living with a unique social structures and advanced. A honey bee colony number of members varies from thousands to tens of thousands of bees hanging species, flower availability and environmental conditions. Basically bee colony consists of a queen bee, drones and tens of thousands to tens of thousands of female bees. The third caste in the colony of bees has a clear and regular duties.
2. Have a very sophisticated communication system using a queen bee pheromone released and the body movement as a symbol of communication. Queen bee pheromone to share with all members of the colony as a control device. That is why bees always returned to the nest and never stray although inter-colony nests so close. Bees also use the language and certain movements as a means of communication. For example, when female bees (workers) who served as a scout / guide will use dance and vibration when the food source must notify the other female bees who served as the bee collector. Dance, wing vibration and aroma gives a signal about the quantity, quality, range and degree of slope with the sun.
3. Building a nest with highly efficient and effective. Beehive-shaped strokes consisting of paired cells and outer sides facing each other, hexagon cell shape (hexagonal), inclination angle of about 15% of the base end of the meeting of cell nests, the nest material in the form of wax secreted by worker bees particular give efesiennya how bees build nests in the concept of an integrated housing production process. The concept allows the bees can work effectively for the sake of survival of the colony. Placement poisi nest in hanging, while the heavy burden on the nest that includes colonies, honey, pollen, eggs, larvae PUFA, and other wavelength signaled just how sturdy and strong hive.
4. Eat good food, good quality, nutritious, clean and halal
As it is known that in fact the female bee worker bees collect nectar (nectar) and comb the pollen (pollen) from the middle of the flowering plants. Nektar housed in the proboscis (proboscis) and pollen that have shaped the dough is stored in pollen sacs on the legs and then transported to the nest. Once they go home between the nest and bringing food flower garden. It is said they can do up to 16 times a day depending on the transport of food in remote close the distance between the nest and food sources. Occasionally they transport water and sap of trees for nest material. Have been investigated, that the pollen, nectar and tree sap is a highly nutritious food and very helpful. When they take the food there is not the injured party. Even taking bee pollen and nectar by the plant will have a benefit for themselves and beneficial owner of the garden with the increase in fruit and seed production. This is understandable, given the bee is a pollinator that is quite dominant and effective.

5. Products (natijah) the multi benefits for humans, namely:
a. Honey
b. Bee Pollen
c. Royal jelly
d. Bee Propolis
e. Bee venom
F Wax

Bee products in the highly beneficial to humans for treatment (pharmaceutical industry), food and beverages (food and beverage), body care and beauty care (Health and body care) and the textile industry.
6. During the production process, bees do not cause damage (mafsadah) on the order of life .. In building a nest, the bees enough to take tree sap and then processed in the body and excreted as nest material. In placing the nest, the bees simply hung in place of a protected place such as in branches and twigs of trees, in caves, on rotten tree, under the roof / house roof. Words of the wise, if the bees build castles in the twigs of trees, the branches would not be broken.
Metamorphosis is the phase of the life of bees. This phase includes: Eggs, larvae, Pupa, and Imago (adult bees). In every phase of life in its path, the bees did not cause damage. Compare with butterfly or experiencing metaqmorfosis perfect Ladybugs like bees. Royal jelly bee larvae food
and live in a closed cell. While the butterfly butterfly larvae eat the leaves and foliage of his life wandering. Caterpillars (moth larvae) often become the enemy of farmers because it is a pest pest ..
Bees have a weapon which is stinger (queen bees and female bees) sting queen is only used in the fight with the young queen bees. Female bees sting only used when facing the enemy goal to maintain the colony. Male bees never sting because it has no sting. If the observed more in fact not only not damaging, even bees always fix the damaged fabric of life in order to become good (maslahat).
7. Bees get a revelation from God. Pengetian In particular, the revelation sent down to prophets and apostles. But a letter to al-Quran-16 (An Nahl), verse 68-69 God wrote down the revelation to the bee, "And your Lord has revealed to the bee in order to make their nests in the mountains, on trees and in places created by humans. Then eat of all types (nectar and pollen), fruits. And follow the path of your Lord has been facilitated. From the belly out drinks (honey and other bee products) which vary the taste. In it there are drugs (which heals) for humans. Verily in the creation of bees there are signs of God for you who think. "
In a hadith, philosophy and wisdom of bees disclosed: "The likeness of a good believer is like a bee. He did not eat except a good, does not produce unless the beneficial and not harmful. "
Posted by wisdom at 10:24 HONEY Bee